What’s in a Name?

Our name is one of our favorite stories to tell! 

In short, “Sonny” represents our son, Santino, and  children everywhere. “The Lion” represents me, his mother, but also my husband and the rest of our Pride who love and care for our son and caregivers who dedicate themselves to the care of others  

Want more backstory?…

As a new mother, I was so excited to finally have the credentials to proudly wear a cute sweatshirt with “MAMA” printed across the center in big bold letters because I had never been more proud of a job title in my life. However, when I looked around at the families that make up our country, and world for that matter; I quickly came to the realization that not every caregiver is a “mama”. Not every person who’s world revolves around each precious new baby is a “mama”. There are so many beautiful variations of “family” and I wanted to speak to all of them, but how?
Enter my husband…One day while taking my sons monthly progress picture with his stuffed lion for scale, my husband said, “Aw, it’s Sonny and The Lion”! I stopped dead in my tracks and said, “Oh my god babe, that’s it! Sonny & The Lion. That’s going to be the name of the company!” I immediately googled “lion symbolism” because I knew there would be some divine connection and boy, was there ever. It was the most perfect fit. From the role of the lioness who is fiercely protective and nurturing, to the communal nature of the pride; it felt familiar and yet gave me something to aspire to… to Love Like Lions.   

Did you know…

- Mother lions care for, protect and feed each other's young. In fact, the lionesses in a pride will often nurse other lioness's cubs. It is truly communal care. We are seeing American mamas do this same thing through the formula shortage. Badass, right?!

When the cubs are about eight weeks old, a mama lion will finally introduce them to her pride. See even lions aren’t ready for visitors right away!

- Lion prides rely almost entirely on the lionesses to hunt for food. Sound familiar?

- The lionesses hunt together so that they are more effective at taking down their prey. Women supporting women and power in numbers.

-  Lionesses do everything they can to protect their young. They will fight to the death. Same girl, same. 

- Prides are family units that may comprise anywhere from two to 40 lions. So no matter the size or who makes up your pride, they are invaluable.